Deadline & Link EOI: Closed
Deadline: 26/08/2021
Proposal for the Network of Towns 2021 CERV Programme
Proposal [NUCPOT] Nuclear Power Phase-Out and Citizens Survey
Description: It is expected that Networks of Towns projects reflect on a new narrative for Europe, citizen-oriented, equality promoting, forward-looking and constructive that would be more engaging for the younger generation in particular. Projects may be based on the outcome of citizens’ consultations and may lead to debates about concrete ways to create a more democratic Union, to enable citizens to re-engage with the EU and to develop a stronger sense of ownership of the European project.
Networks of Towns should provide towns and municipalities the possibility to deepen and intensify their cooperation and debate in a long-term perspective, to develop sustainable networks and to outline their long-term vision for the future of European integration.
While maintaining a bottom-up approach, specific focus could be given to:
• EU citizenship rights
• Combatting discrimination and racism
• Inclusion of minorities
• EU Charter on Fundamental Rights
• Reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the local communities